Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Legal Help Live Show Notes 9-29-2010

-FTC targets Pom juice health claims – true or false is it a help effective against heart and prostate problems
-Segway company owner rides one off cliff to his death ...year bought the company that makes the Segway scooter fell to his death off a cliff...Heselden bought the New Hampshire-based Segway company in December. The former coal... British law restricts the use of Segway scooters to private land.
-'Pulpit Freedom Sunday' to Defy IRS-church
Pastors Across the U.S. Say They Will Defy Law and Talk Politics-ederal tax law, established in 1954, prohibits churches and tax exempt entities from endorsing or opposing political candidates.
-Mc cord divorce attorney for both changed words after document signed. Contract or no contract?
-Arrested 8 bell officials for corruption
-Vatican bank and alleged money laundering
-First execution set for 9-20-10 in new death room-will it happen? None since 1977
-Ohio University Sorry Its Mascot Attacked Ohio State's Brutus Buckeye
Government to implement planned tax on sweets, ice cream and soft drinks
Medical marijuana growers join Teamsters union
-OAKLAND, Calif. -- As organized labor faces declining membership, one of the country's most storied unions is looking to a new growth industry: marijuana.
The Teamsters added nearly 40 new members earlier this month by organizing the country's first group of unionized marijuana growers. Such an arrangement is likely only possible in California, which has the nation's loosest medical marijuana laws
-FINLAND-On Thursday, the government decided in its general session that a tax is to be levied on candies and similar sweets, chocolate, cocoa products, ice cream, and popsicles.
-Lindsay Lohan's probation revoked, arrest warrant issued-Paris Hilton pleads guilty rat pack continues-who care anymore?


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